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YJFL seeking new CEO

The Yarra Junior Football League is on the search for a new Chief Executive Officer.


The Yarra Junior Football League (YJFL) has approximately 10,000 registered players, over 400 teams,31 member clubs and operates predominantly across eastern and northern Melbourne, with gamesat over 70 grounds across 9 local council areas.

We are seeking a CEO that leads the operation of the league by working closely with volunteer runmember clubs. Our CEO professionally represents the YJFL by regularly engaging with our clubs, theAFL, Football Victoria, other metropolitan leagues and all tiers of government (Local, State and FederalGovernment). The CEO will deliver the best possible football environment for all participants, enablingplayers to reach their full potential within a safe, inclusive and supportive community.

Qualifications: Tertiary qualifications in Business or Sports Management are desired.

Child Safe Focus: A Working with Children Check and Victoria Police check are required.

The CEO salary and work arrangements will be negotiated with the successful applicant.For further information regarding the role, please contact YJFL board member Vaughan Cleary viaemail at

To apply, please provide a one-page cover letter and curriculum vitae (including at least two referees and their contact details) dates: Applications close on Tuesday 28th January 2025. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed on or around Thursday 30th January.


You can view the job description below:

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